nagado bachi (usually larger diameter, harder "kashi" wood)
- turn off track repeat (or pick tracks)
- check bpm of each section (will jumping jacks work?)
- on board: (on post-its)
-- "last week challenge pattern: dogo go godogo"
-- "this week challenge pattern: doro tsuku don don"
-- "0: R R R R | R R ..."
-- "1: RLR R R | R R ..."
-- "2: RLRLR R | R R ..."
-- "3: RLRLRLR | R R ..."
-- "4: RLRLRLRL | R R ..."
-- "4+1: RLRLRLRL | RLR ..."
-- "4+4+4+3: ..."
silent aisatsu
warmup with background music
- neck
- arms
- torso
- twists
- boxes
- crazy jacks
copycat to track 2
- serial sticking quarters, eighths
- end with all loud, applause
kuchishoga copycat to track 3
- voice-voice, then voice-drum
-- include dogo go godogo
-- doro tsuku don don
--- others lead (voice-drum)
--- end with double-length, applause
oroshi copycat
- I lead, then others
- mime the mood, end with long, powerful ending, applause
- metronome at 60bpm?, hand warmup
- bachi down, facing each other in pairs, offset, clapping
-- 4, 6, 6 as 4+2, multiple sets of 4
-- add L on &, 1, 2, 3, 4
- on drum
-- 1, 2, 3, 4, 6
-- roll 16-sided die, write as sets of 4
-- 4 4 4 3
- whole drill?
ignoring others practice
oroshi as ender
clean and close
- "arigato gozaimashita"