nagado bachi (usually larger diameter, harder "kashi" wood)
- on board: (on post-its)
-- "week 02 challenge pattern: dogo (su)go (su)go dogo"
-- "week 03 challenge pattern: doro tsuku don don"
-- "week 04 challenge pattern: don tsuku don tsuku"
-- "week 05 challenge pattern: sun daga dan (su)ga"
-- "week 06 challenge pattern: tsugo doku tsugo doku"
- future
-- paper strips: DIY 8th-note rhythms, three lines (do/go, da/ga, mixed)
-- pens
- personal updates
- CicLAvia update
- 2016 LATI Recital?
- aisatsu
- neck
- arms
- torso
- twists
PEAC Week planning
stance for photo
16's Drill
- squares
kuchishoga structure
- explanation
oroshi technique
- review: stance, following upstroke, ending with either hand
- transition from separate strikes to simultaneously moving arms
ender: PEAC Week runthrough
clean and close
- "arigato gozaimashita"