07 (VL)

Thursday, February 21, 2019 - 18:00 to 19:45
Student should bring: 

nagado bachi (usually larger diameter, maple or "ho" wood)

Class syllabus: 


  • Stretch and aisatsu.


See Class 01 for detailed notation.

  • 4 dashes (-) = #eau = 1 count
  • 4 counts = 1 bar.
    Each count is seperated by a "/ ". Each bar is separated by starting on the next line or with brackets [ ].
  • Hits are emphasized with typed #s and "e" "a" "u"
  • Hit the #s (1, 2, 3, 4) and "a" with the right (R). Hit the "e" and "u" with the left (L).
  • Kuchishoga
    • "g-" = L hits
      "d-" = R hits

Rudiment 1

1--- / ---- / ---- / ----
---- / 2--- / ---- / ----
---- / ---- / 3--- / ----
---- / ---- / ---- / 4---
--a- / ---- / ---- / ----
---- / --a- / ---- / ----
---- / ---- / --a- / ----
---- / ---- / ---- / --a-
All don (R) hits

Drill 1: Stepping
  • Step in place in rhythm of the down beats, starting with the right foot. Count out loud. R-L-R-L = 1-2-3-4-.
  • As you step in place, play the entire Rudiment 1 by clapping on the hits.
  • Repeat until you get the hang of it. See if you can do it without counting out load.
Drill 2: Step and Hit
  • Do the previous stepping drill, but instead of clapping, actually hit the taiko.
Drill 3: Alternating Groups

Rudiment 2

1-a- / 2-a- / 3-a- / 4-a-
do go hits; alternating hands (R-L- / R-L- ...)

Drill 1: Alternating Groups
Drill 2: Looping
  • Everyone plays Rudiment 2 together as a class. Keep playing in a loop until the teacher instructs you to stop.
Drill 3: Alternating Pairs
  • Divide the class into two for the alternating group exercise.
  • In addition, pair up the class. The pair does not need to be in the same group. Decide among the pair who starts on the ji and who starts on the rudiment. Essentially, each pair will do the alternating exercise among themselves.
  • The class does the alternating group
    exercise as usual.
  • Everyone stops except the first pair, who continues the alternating exercise among themselves.
  • The class does the alternating group exercise again.
  • Everyone stops except the second pair, who continues the alternating exercise among themselves.
  • So on and so forth...
Things to Remember
  • If you keep losing your place in the rudiment, try the stepping drill. Step in place on the down beats. and clap on the hits. Count both the down and up beats out load ("1 & 2 & 3 & 4 &"). Clap on the hits, which in this case is every time you vocalize the beats. Once you start getting the hang of it, try playing the rudiment on the taiko while confidently counting in your head.

Rudiment 3

1eau / 2eau / 3eau / 4eau
dogodogo hits; alternating hands (RLRL / RLRL ...)

Drill 1: Alternating Groups
Drill 2: Looping
  • Everyone plays Rudiment 3 together as a class. Keep playing in a loop until the teacher instructs you to stop.
Drill 3: Step & Hit
  • While stepping on the down beats (R-L-R-L), play Rudiment 3 on the taiko.
  • Rudiment 3 are 16th notes, meaning the first hit of every count is hit in synchronization with a step. Then, there are 3 additional hits (all equally spaced out) before the next step.
  • Try counting "1 & 2 & 3 & 4 &" while doing this exercise. Every verbal cue is in line with R hits.
Drill 4: Rudiment 2-3 Alternating Pairs
  • The class does the alternating group exercise for Rudiment 2 and then straight into the alternating group exercise for Rudiment 3.
  • Everyone stops except the first pair, who continues the alternating exercise (Rudiment 2-3) among themselves.
  • The class does the alternating group exercise again.
  • Everyone stops except the second pair, who continues the alternating exercise among themselves.
  • So on and so forth...
Things to Remember
  • Don't speed up. Don't rush.
  • Listen to the ji (which is the base beat) and play on top/in association with the ji.

Rudiment 1-3

  • Go through the entire alternating group exercise for Rudiment 1-3.

Rudiment 4 (Lefty)

--a- / --a- / --a- / --a-
--a- / --a- / --a- / 4---
go (L) hits on #s. The last hits are godo (LR)

Drill 1: Alternating Groups
  • Split the class into two; Group A and Group B.
  • Group A plays Rudiment 4 while Group B stays silent (no ji).
  • Next, Group B plays Rudiment 4 while Group A stays silent.
Things to Remember
  • Count in head and be sure to play on the up beats. Keep a steady rhythm.
  • "Whip" your bachi to "slap" into the taiko. Relax your grip and don't be rigid to reduce risk of injury.

Rudiment 1-4

  • Go through the entire alternating group exercise for Rudiment 1-4.

Rudiment 5

1e-- / ---- / 3e-- / ----
---- / 2e-- / ---- / 4e--
--au / --au / --au / --au
All dogo (RL--) hits

Drill 1: Alternating Groups
  • Play each bars twice, similar to Rudiment 1's alternating group exercise.
  • Regular alternating group exercise: play every bar once and the last bar twice.
Drill 2: Transition
  • Split the class in two; Group A and Group B.
  • Group A plays the last bar of the rudiment while Group B plays the ji.
  • Immediately switch parts; Group B plays the last bar while Group A plays the ji.
  • Continue to play in a loop until the teacher instructs to stop.

Rudiment 1-5

  • Go through the entire alternating group exercise for Rudiment 1-5.

Rudiment 6

1a: 1--- / ---- / ---- / --a-
1u: 1--- / ---- / ---- / ---u
Do (R) hits on 1s. Go (L) hits on "a" and "u"

Drill 1: Stepping
  • Step in place in rhythm of the down beats, starting with the right foot.
  • Count out loud "1eau 2eau 3eau 4eau".
  • Clap on the hits.
Drill 2: Count & Hit
  • Play the rudiment on the taiko while counting out load.
Drill 3: Alternating Group
  • Split the class into two; Group A and Group B.
  • Group A plays the a-pattern while Group B plays the ji.
  • Group B plays the a-pattern while Group A plays the ji.
  • Group A plays the u-pattern while Group B plays the ji.
  • Group B plays the u-pattern while Group A plays the ji.

Rudiment 1-6

  • Go through the entire alternating group exercise for Rudiment 1-6.

Vivian's Challenge Pattern

---- / ---- / ---- / --au
1e-- / 2e-- / 3e-- / ----
---- / 2eau / --a- / --a-
1--- / 2--u / 3e-- / 4e--
#s and "a" are R hits. "e" and "u" are L hits.

  • Take it one bar at a time; practicing each bar separately. Try counting out loud at first so you'd better understand the placing of each hit.
  • Once you get the hang of playing the individual bars, start from the beginning and gradually add on the subsequent bars. Don't add on until you're comfortable playing the previous bars consecutively.
    • Play bar 1. Next, play bars 1-2. Once you're comfortable, play bars 1-3. When you get the hang of that, play bars 1-4.


  • Clean and aisatsu.
Vivian Lee
Alex Johnson
Jeri DeCastro
Naomi Nishi
Steve Vilicich
Wendy Ito
Barbara Baker

Classes in this Course

Date Title
Thu, January 10, 2019 01 (KB)
Thu, January 17, 2019 02 (KB)
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Thu, February 14, 2019 06 (DW)
Thu, February 21, 2019 07 (VL)
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